Curriculum Pillar first meeting of 2023


With the aim to wrap-up the activities in 2022 and disseminate the series of activities expected to be implemented in 2023, on January 5, the  Curriculum Pillar under the WTO Chairs Program Phase III at Foreign Trade University held their first meeting in the new year 2023.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Ha – Head of the Curriculum Pillar chaired the meeting, summarized the completed contents in 2022, learned from experience in implementing activities, and announced the possibility of personnel adjustment of the sub-committee to improve operational quality. The members of the pillar also exchanged enthusiastically about the achieved results and experiences that need to be noted to ensure the effectiveness of the activities in the coming time.

With the solidarity and determination and high efforts of all members, the Curriculum Pillar has successfully implemented all assigned activities in 2022, including: developing a short training program term; developing a new subject for the international commercial law training program; conducting surveys and organizing 01 international conference. Besides, the Curriculum Pillar has also actively participated in the joint activities of the WTO Chairs Program Phase III, thereby, contributing to the overall success of the Program with high appreciation from stakeholders.

On the basis of the results achieved in 2022, in 2023, the Sub-Committee will continue to implement activities based on the pillars of the Program, including: A short course on “Strengthening the application capacity of Vietnam’s commitments on international trade and investment”; Short course on digital commerce; Course on digital commerce; Preparing study materials for the above courses and subjects; Organizing international seminar on “Trade and marine environment protection”, coordinating organization of international seminars, trade forums within the framework of the Program.

Some memorable moments of the first meeting in the new year 2023 were recorded by the Subcommittee in the images below: