Call for paper: International workshop “Technological Advancement and the New Context for International Trade and Investment”


Technological progress is the main driving force of socio-economic development, raising people’s incomes and living standards. The way technology spreads among countries plays an important role in creating and sharing global growth inter se. On the one hand, international trade and investment are the main transmission channels for cross-border technology diffusion. On the other hand, the spread of technology across borders also contributes to the promotion of international trade and investment. International trade and investment stimulate the diffusion of technology, helping to spread growth potential among countries, especially for emerging market economies, including Vietnam, which increasingly use foreign knowledge and technology available to promote innovation capacity and increase labor productivity. 

In addition to the stormy development of technological progress associated with the industrial revolution 4.0, the past two decades have also witnessed many events reflective of a new global context that has had a profound impact on globalization in general and international trade and investment in particular: the US-China trade war, the Covid-19 pandemic, the trend of digital transformation, the trend of new-generation free trade agreement conclusion. These new contexts bring about new challenges and global shifts in business structures that are reshaping trade and investment flows through reshaping global production.

In that context, the WTO Chair Program at Foreign Trade University organizes an international conference on the theme of “Technological advancement and the new context for international trade and investment” with the aim of offering a forum to experts to exchange and discuss relevant topics.

The conference is held on January 9, 2023 at Foreign Trade University onsite and online. The Conference Organization Board would like to invite you to summit papers (in English) by January 4, 2023 at the address: Hoang Thi Minh Hang (Dr.), email: or; or Ngo Hoang Quynh Anh (MSc.), email:

Call for Paper (full): CALL FOR PAPERS (FULL) A-V HT tháng 11