Seminar on comments on the short-term training program: “Digital trade in the new era: From regulations to practice” within the framework of the WTO Chairs Program


On August 28, 2024, the WTO Chairs Program Phase III at the Foreign Trade University successfully organized the “Seminar on comments on the short-term training program: “Digital trade in the new era: From regulations to practice.”

The seminar was chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trinh Thi Thu Huong (Director of the WTO Chairs Program), with the participation of Dr. Vu Kim Ngan, Dr. Hoang Ngoc Thuan (Co-Chair Holder of the WTO Chairs Program); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Binh (Head of Outreach Pillar); Dr. Pham Thi Cam Anh (Head of Research Pillar); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Ha (Director of the Institute for Innovation Research, Head of Curriculum Pillar); Dr. Ha Cong Anh Bao (Dean of the Faculty of Law); members of the pillars and lecturers with relevant expertise in FTU. 

At the seminar, Dr. Ha Cong Anh Bao, on behalf of the Short-term Training Program Design Team, briefly introduced the main points of the training program. The lecturers attending together presented their suggestions and essential amendments on the course objectives, the specific content of each topic in the course, the duration and trainers for the program: “Digital trade in the new era: From regulations to practice”. 

The seminar will pave the way for a potential short-term course that the WTO Chairs Program Phase III will host in the near future.