The meeting of the Curriculum Pillar on recent activities and upcoming activities by the end of 2023


On October 17, 2023, in order to review activities in the recent period and plan activities expected to be implemented at the end of 2023, a meeting was held between members of the Curriculum Pillar  of the WTO Chairs Program Phase III At the Foreign Trade University. Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Ha – Head of the Curriculum Pillar chaired the meeting, summarizing the contents completed in the past period of 2023.

With the efforts and high contributions of its members, the Pillar has actively participated in common activities of the WTO Chairs Program Phase III in 2023, including:
– Participate in organizing the International Conference “Trade and marine environmental protection: Current status and prospects of international, regional and national law” on April 5-6, 2023 in Hanoi.
– Short-term training course “Strengthening capacity to apply Vietnam’s international trade and investment commitments”;
– Complete the revision of the bachelor’s degree training programs of Foreign Trade University, including: International Trade Law Program; International Trade Program; International Economics and Development Program, in which the subject “Legal issues of international trade and investment” that the Subcommittee developed in 2022 has been included as an elective subject of the Commercial Law Program international.
– Complete the development of a short-term training program and course outline on “The relationship between a number of non-commercial issues and international trade”.
– Participate in organizing other WCP activities.

Based on the results achieved recently, the Subcommittee has developed a plan to implement activities by the end of 2023, including:
– Discussion discussion on short-term training program: “The relationship between some non-commercial issues and international trade”.
– Discussion session to give suggestions for the course outline: “The relationship between some non-commercial issues and international trade”.
– Develop a course on Digital Commerce and organize a discussion to get opinions on the outline of this course.
– Participate in organizing the International Conference on “Digital Trade Management”, coordinate in organizing international Conferences and Trade Forums within the framework of the Program.

Through the meeting, the Subcommittee gained many valuable experiences to ensure effectiveness for upcoming activities.