Overview of the short-term training course “Strengthening capacity for Vietnamese stakeholders in the implementation of international commitments on trade and investment” in December 2022


The WTO Chairs Program Phase 3 at Foreign Trade University has successfully organized a short-term training course with the theme “Strengthening Vietnam’s capacity to apply commitments on international trade and investment” from the 8th to 10th December, 2022.

With the participation of experts from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the United States Agency for International Development, the Foreign Trade University, the 6 topics of the course brought information about The most useful, up-to-date and practical information for learners.

The Management Board of the WTO Chairs Program and learnes
Management Board of the WTO Chairs Program at Foreign Trade University

On the first day, the topic Overview of a number of trade and investment agreements signed by Vietnam, expert Nguyen Thi Lan Phuong and expert Hoang Ngoc Thuan gave the participants an overview of the process. the negotiation process, the basic contents of the agreement in the current trade and investment agreement that Vietnam participates in.

The second topic on trade remedies was taught by expert Pham Chau Giang, the participants learned about trade remedies, classification and some practical cases on trade remedies. trade that Vietnam has encountered in recent years.

Topics on Trade and Investment Agreements
Topics on trade remedies

Expert Claudio Dordi with the topic Trade and Investment Facilitation brought to the course a lot of useful information in the reform of administrative procedures, the registration process in Vietnam, studies and statistical data. actual statistics on trade and investment promotion activities in the process of deep integration of Vietnam through the new generation of free trade agreements.

The topic of Trade and Investment Facilitation

Expert Nguyen Thu Hang teaches the topic Tax in international trade and investment, the guide to using ePing and TradeMap tools has helped learners have time to learn and practice tax tools and market research in current import and export activities.

The topic Tax in international trade and investment

The topic of International Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanism by expert Vu Thi Chau Quynh gives students the most up-to-date and practical knowledge in investment disputes.

The topic of International Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanism

Through 3 days of study, learners are not only provided with new knowledge or necessary skills in applying Vietnam’s international commitments on trade and investment, but also have the opportunity to exchange and discuss directly with each other. communicate with experts on relevant practical issues.