International Conference “The Governance of Digital Trade: Crossroads of Divergent Approaches” – 11th to 12th December, 2023


The International conference “The Governance of Digital Trade: Crossroads of Divergent Approaches” (“Conference”) is organized by Foreign Trade University (FTU) (Vietnam) within the framework of the WTO Chair Programme – Phase III, in partnership with The Chair Jean Monnet DataGouv – Institute of West: Law and Europe (IODE), University of Rennes (France); The Research Chair on New Challenges of Economic Globalization – Laval University (Canada); other universities of the research network on New External Partnership Dynamics of the European Union in Asia-Pacific (NODYPEX).

The recent Covid-19 has notably contributed to highlighting the predominant place that digital trade occupies today, which poses difficulty to existing multilateral mechanism for the past two decades. Therefore, the Conference focuses on researching and discussing the governance of digital trade in the context of the development of new technologies combined with the growth of cross-border trade in services raising several legal issues challenging the international legal order. The content of the Conference hinges on the question of how to create international standards and norms to govern digital cross-border trade regardless of the diversity of regional and national regulations of digital commerce nowadays. 

Within the framework of the Conference, the leading worldwide specialists in the area of international law will present their diverse perspectives to comprehensively cover all aspects of digital trade in general and the governance of digital trade in the era of global integration in particular. 

The detailed information of the Conference is as follows: 

  • The Conference venue: Foreign Trade University, 91 Chua Lang Street,  Hanoi, Vietnam 
  • Occurrence date: Tuesday and Wednesday, on December 12th & 13th, 2023
  • Organizational form: Offline & Online 

If you require more, please contact:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. NGUYEN Ngoc Ha

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law

Foreign Trade University 


Conference poster: English  –  France