Workshop on short-term training program discussion: The relationship between some non-trade issues and international trade]


The WTO Chairs Phase III program at Foreign Trade University successfully organized “Workshop on short-term training program discussion: The relationship between some non-trade issues and international trade” on the 30th October 2023.

The discussion took place under the chairmanship of Associate Professor, PhD. Trinh Thi Thu Huong – Director of the WTO Chairs program, along with the participation of teachers who are members of the subcommittees. At the seminar, the teachers gave necessary and important contributions on the course content, organizational form and teaching experts for the short-term training program: “The relationship between certain non-trade issues with international trade”.

Through the discussion, the WTO Chairs Phase III Program promises to organize a short-term course with the main students coming from micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME).