Closing Ceremony of the Training Course on Research Methods in International Trade under WTO Chair Program – FTU (WCP-FTU)


On August 28, 2024, the Management Board of the WTO Chair program at Foreign Trade University (WCP-FTU) organized the closing ceremony for the Training Course on Research Methods in International Trade. The event was attended by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Thu Huong – Vice President of Foreign Trade University and Head of WCP-FTU Program Steering Committee; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trinh Thi Thu Huong –  WTO Chair Holder – FTU; Dr. Vu Kim Ngan – Co-Chair Holder; members of the program management board; course instructors; and the learners of the training course.

In the speech at the closing ceremony of the training course, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Thu Huong – Vice President of Foreign Trade University and Head of the WCP-FTU Program Steering Committee – expressed her pleasure to see the training course being conducted professionally and effectively. She highlighted the course’s value in providing learners, especially the young lectures of Foreign Trade University, with valuable insights into research methods in international trade. The training course also created opportunities for networking among young lecturers from different units within the university, as well as fostering effective connections between the course instructors and the learners. She also hopes that the course would lay a solid foundation for international trade research for the participants and inspire and motivate them in their scientific research career.

As part of the closing ceremony of the training course, Dr. Pham Thi Cam Anh, Head of the Research Pillar in the WCP-FTU Program, presented a summary of the course. The training course, which commenced on May 14, 2024, includes 15 sessions divided into two parts: Basic and Advanced. The course content combined theoretical knowledge with practical guidance and mentoring activities, accompanied by experts and instructors. The organizing committee also received positive feedbacks from learners regarding both the content and the organization of the training course.

As part of the course learning outcomes, learners are expected to have researches for publication in reputable journals and international conferences, under the guidance of instructors. To enhance the quality of these researches, learners had opportunities to present their researches on posters in the closing ceremony.

The poster conference witnesses a diverse range of research topics. It provided learners with the opportunity to present their research ideas, deeply reflecting the knowledge and skills they acquired throughout the training course. All groups of learners received valuable feedbacks and insightful discussion from memebers of WCP-FTU program management board, the lecturers and experts involved in the training of the course, as well as from other learners.

Finally, learners who met the training course requirements were awarded certificates of completion. This marks not only a journey of learning but also a solid foundation for further advancement in research and practical application of knowledge.

Below are some photos at the event: